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One piece 743 raw spoilers and one piece 743 manga chapter will be out soon. We will get one piece chapter 743 the moment it will be release, so be sure to check this page regularly for the update.  My guess is that short fights (e.g. Law vs. DD) often happen due to coordination with the anime, which isn’t too far behind. And we’d see more fleshed out versions of those fights there. As for entirely off-panel fights, that might be a combination of that, plus Oda might have gotten feedback that readers felt the situation had been dragged out for too long already. It doesn’t make sense for him to “rush” these fights unintentionally after taking a break for a week. I think it was done deliberately. That being said, I find it kind of sad that we didn’t see Usopp in a proper fight as well, but there’s still plenty of opportunities for that.

one piece chapter 743
Oh, and I found the flashbacks incredibly awesome. Very high level story telling. Curos’ and Scarlett’s story told outside the OP-universe would make for an awesome plot to a best-selling movie (best-selling for the righ reasons), that’s the kind of level I think it’s on. Probably the highlight of this arc to me. Franky lost against Dellinger, Machvise, Senor Pink, veteran VA Bastille, 100 of marines, 100 of DD’s man. This is really not bad but, seeing how he got owned, how Robin got owned, hw usopp got owned and how Nami, Chopper and Brook are always scared by the ennemies, don’t want to fight and are kind of weak, this makes me think that the monster “quatuor” (luffy, Zorro, Sanji and Franky) cannot handle DD & his crew, Marines and Big mom by themselves. or any other strongly numbred and powerful crew in the new world. with a 10 members crew with the same amount of power as the monster trio, they could finger in the nose beat anyone but with this “configuration” I have some doubts.

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