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This page will soon be updated with bleach 575 manga scans, bleach 575 raw spoilers or when bleach 575 English scans is out. You can get an early bleach 575 spoilers of the manga every Tuesday while the bleach 575 scans English version were out on Wednesday. If this Kenpachi is Yachiru’s imagination, then if he does not win, I would expect Unohana to appear and stomp Gremmy. It’s really hard to say if Kenpachi is or isn’t Yachiru’s imagination it sounds like a crazy theory, yet at the same time it makes a lot of sense given the nature of Gremmy’s power and a few weird details about this fight, such as Kenpachi’s sudden and extremely convenient appearance, his eyepatch being back, his subordinates not being able to sense him before, and now he suddenly can actually pinpoint people’s location by sensing their reiatsu.

bleach manga 575

He also hasn’t used his Shikai’s power yet. you figure he would be more eager to use it now that he finally can comunicate with it. Plus, even if Kenpachi did have a way to get another eyepatch on, myself and a lot of other people kind of expected he wouldn’t use it anymore after his fight with Unohana.  It is a logical conclusion, not simply my expectations. When Ichigo undergoes major metamorphosis he is often unrecognizable. when they see his reiatsu they blurt out” wtf is that.” Zaraki is both unhandcuffing himself AND finally releasing his Zan. That should make him appear Very different from before. if the writing is consistent. An actual Ausachi presence alone should alter the perception of his reiatsu. The whole vanishing point dude was a prank. Prank games. The kid is a direct rewrite of the Fullbring arcade kid. The fact that he will “stick” to the game will be his weakness. Again, if his priority wasn’t games then he could simply have imagined them all dead the moment he met them. He could be working with another Sternritter. When he imagines them dead, the other strenritter dismembers the bodies to make it permanent.

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